Note: Scroll to the bottom of this post for the announcement of the winner of this week's giveaway.

The Real Farmwives of America and Friends -- I know you might be thinking what in the world or even who in the world is that. Well, we are a group of farm girls and farm wives that offer a glimpse inside the world of growing up and living on the family farm through our blogs along with sharing other aspects of our hectic yet amazing lives. We live in a world that is consumed with reality TV shows; although, we aren’t on TV, we’d love to you follow along with our blogs.
In addition to our normal blogging adventures, once a month one of us is featured as the guest blogger on 3 kids and lots of pigs Farmer Fridays feature. Additionally, the last Friday of each quarter all of the Farmwives and Friends blog about a common topic. This Friday, we will be blogging about the holiday season on the farm. We hope you enjoy it and continue to follow along for an amazing adventure.
Life on the farm can be challenging, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Happy New Year!
The winner of the Amercia's Best BBQ Cookbook is Audrey Keating! Congrats! Please email us at and let us know where to mail your cookbook.