Thursday, September 5, 2013

What’s Crockin’?

By Sarah Correll

They’re versatile. They save is time. They make delicious food. They’re a favorite of many of our favorite bloggers.
They’re Crockpots. Check out how some of our favorites are using theirs!

Shredded Apricot Pork Roast

Amy at A Latte with Ott, A cooks up a great pork roast in this post!

Heartland Barbecue Beef

Jeanette at Fencerow to Fencerow’s family ate this dish so quickly that she didn’t have a chance to grab a picture. Almost half of the ingredient list for this simple and delicious dish is shown here!

Crustless Pumpkin Pie

It’s almost the season of pumpkin everything, and this pie from Cris at Goodeness Gracious looks delicious. Can you imagine how good this would smell?

Sweet Potato Casserole

Another fall staple, this recipe from A Latte with Ott, A could simplify your Thanksgiving or your weeknight dinner!

Beef Burgundy

Liz from Two Maids a Milking shared this recipe. How good does that look?

Crockpot Mac N’ Cheese

Mac and cheese is always a hit. Check out Jeanette’s recipe here!

Do you have a Crockpot recipe we need to know? Share it below!

1 comment:

  1. These sound good I will take a roast 3 or 4 lbs and put in crock pot with a can of coke at bedtime and when I get up take out and use for beef and noodles or shred and do barbecue sauce or freeze some and have for another day when life gets too busy. Harvest is a few weeks away. We all like to have home made food for the weary farmers when they show up for food. Easy and quick cooking while we sleep.
