Friday, May 25, 2012

Table Talk: Memorial Day Recipes & Traditions

Memorial Day is a of remembrance of all those who have served our country and died in its service. And, it is the freedom that those servicemen fought to protect that offers so many Americans--and specifically Hoosiers-- the opportunity to take a few days over the holiday weekend to celebrate food, family and fun!

Whether we are anxiously waiting to finally watch the Indy 500 winner drink milk or we are cutting into our very own Hoosier Cream Pie, Indiana's Memorial Day Weekend is sure to be steeped in tradition.

That got us thinking... what are the the Hoosier traditions out there? So we turn to a great bunch of bloggers and asked them...

"What are your Memorial Day traditions, tips and recipes?"

With a son in the military, April over at Angel's Homestead  is no stranger to the meaning of the holiday. She and her family celebrate the weekend as the "unofficial kick-off" to summer complete with  2012 Memorial Day Menu and boy does it look good! Cowboy Burgers anyone? YUM!

Jackie over at WritRams encourages Hoosiers to spend less time in the kitchen and more time making memories with her mouth-watering Easy Barbecued Chicken and Easy Grilled Vegetables recipe.

Katy over at Indianapolis with Kids shares her childhood memories of camping with her family and how her family now spends the weekend-- celebrating with at least one big backyard BBQ. This year her tradition will include a trip to the track with a friend... wave hello to farmers and official 2012 Indy 500 Milkmen Dave and Duane for us Katy!

Heather over at Basilmomma is celebrating a "break from it all" while she and her family do a "whole lotta nothin'" this weekend! She also shares how she worked up enough courage to ask her grandmother for the recipe to her "sainted" Hoosier Sugar Cream Pie recipe and she then shares it with us. Doesn't it look divine?

Last but not least, Ann-Marie over at Chaos is Bliss shares some food safety tips and another traditional  Hoosier dessert that is sure to please the kiddos as much as the adults- Dirt Cake.

Thanks so much for sharing your food, family and fun with us ladies!

Do you have a special recipe or tradition around this holiday? We'd love to hear about it. Comment here  , on Facebook or on Twitter using the #TableTalk hashtag.

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