Friday, May 27, 2011

What To Pack For Race Day

By Michelle Plummer of Winners Drink Milk

Scotch Coolers just won’t do at the track any more….

When I was young, Mom would pack the scotch cooler full of fried chicken (her recipe), potato salad, chips, sweet tea (Mom was from the South) and off we would go for a day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway!  It is hard to recall which was better the fried chicken or getting out of school for a parental field tripJ.  I do remember having to have a ‘church key’ to open the lid to have a snack.  Mom also always made homemade rice crispy treats to snack on in the bleachers since it way so far away to the car after we had lunch. 
But this is the millennium!  Who carries coolers to the track?  Actually many, so here are your options:  Parking is at a premium if you are inside, so find your location and get comfortable.  It is nice to take breaks, walk back to your car and grab a bite.  If you take lots of ‘stuff’ forget the food and use your arms for the important stuff!  Here are some Must Haves!

  • Tickets and Parking pass
  • CASH
  • Seat cushion or blanket- depending on weather a blanket may be a better choice…
  • Camera, flip video, cell phone for backup
  • Can coolie to keep beverage drinkable—if the sun shines it gets HOT NOW!
  • Ear plugs- so you can hear yourself tell about the race the next day
  • Backpack for stuff- aspirin, antacid, sun screen, glasses (2 pairs), change of shoes and wet naps- it is a nice refresher in the heat.

… and if you do decide to bring a COOLER, remember size is restricted to 14”x14”x6”.  Line the parameter with ice bags and fill with goodies to munch (beverages are found easily on the grounds) but string cheese, fruit and pre-packed lunch treats and water.  Like I said, if it gets hot you will want the water, especially when it is time to leave and the crowds are deep….

Regardless of how you go to the track, with an old scotch cooler or a new padded one, with a thermos of ice tea or you purchase your beverage at the Track, rain or shine you will have a great time!

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