Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our Food, Our Farmers: Grades 4-6 Essay Winner

1st writing-Dague

Our Food, Our Farmers Ag Essay Contest – 2011
Written Essay Winner: Grades 4-6
Adrianna Dague, 6th Grader at Caston Elementary, Fulton County
Teacher:  Jennifer Baxter

“Food for Thought – Our Food, Our Farmers”

Farming is like a pebble thrown into a pond. It has a ripple effect on the whole community. Starting with part-time high school help who is working to afford the extras in life, or the full-time employee who is working to support their family.

There are a lot of businesses that wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for farming. From the veterinarian who cares for the many animals, to the fertilizer companies that help grow the crops.

As the ripple goes on, so do the effects on the community. The crops and animals will eventually travel from the farm to the grocery and clothing stores by way of the transportation system that is funded in part by the taxes that the many businesses related to agriculture pay.

Many colleges throughout Indiana offer agriculture degrees that help form the work base that is needed for future generations.

For my family farming is not a job or career, it is a way of life. It provides an opportunity for my parents to work from home. They’re always there to attend my many school and 4-H activities.

There is no other business that could cause such a ripple as farming.

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